Top Athletes have a Coach

Top Business People Are No Different!


Business LIFT, led by Darren Laudenbach, is a community and set of tools and resources for top business people. If your profit is breaking through five figures and looking to break through six-figures, then Business LIFT is designed specifically for you.


Our philosophy is simple.

We help businesses Owners… 
Get More Life Out of Your Business


Results You Want

Business today needs to be flexible and ready for change, however it also needs to have quality systems. Systems provide leverage. One of our core axioms is “there should be no original thought in a routine situation“. In other words, systemise everything possible. This removes the urgent, allowing for businesses to work on the important and significantly improve results.



Time-Proven Results

Darren has been creating, building and running very successful businesses for over 30 years.  His motto is “Green and Growing… rather than ripe and rotten”.  In other words, he has an insatiable desire to continue to learn and grow… a passion for continuous innovation and development.

It is Proven – those that work on their business (and not just in them) achieve significantly better results. Take time out to work on your business, rather than just being a worker in it.

Leverage - Turn Decades of Experience into Fast Results.

Delegation & Leverage is Key… “the best executive is the one who has enough sense to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it” Theodore Roosevelt

We help you identify what’s important now as well as in the future as you create business results. Leveraging your time is critical.

Tangible Outcomes - Guaranteed

Practical Experience, Teaching & Most Importantly Tangible Outcomes

If you are like most business people, you want results and you want them fast. You want to know what works, what doesn’t and what’s worth trying.

Business is the great ‘science experiment’ where testing and measuring to obtain feedback is vital. This feedback then provides ‘evidence’ of where to invest more resources for what is working and where to cut what’s not working. Doing this without long-term hands-on practical real business-life experience is particularly costly – and this is one of the key areas the Business LIFT helps. We have the unique mix of decades of experience as well as an innovative and curious mindset. It keeps us on the leading edge of results driven services.

Action Steps, Hacks, Tips & Tools

Professional facilitation with many years of experience in a variety of highly successful businesses.  

The Business LIFT has a variety timely resources using the latest technology to save you time, money, research to get faster results.

Improved Team Engagement

Inspire & Empower your team with a culture of continuous improvement as the business steps up to new levels of success.

Using simple, customisable tools that facilitate meaningful team goal setting and performance management that they’ll totally engage with and even look forward to.

Inspire Innovation

One of Darren’s former business (Milestone Financial Services P/L) won 3 National Innovation Awards using repeatable techniques where business owners don’t have to do all the thinking and can inspire team members to innovate.

PURPOSE - Why are you in business?

What are the real outcomes you are seeking? With clarity of purpose comes the foundations on which to build or expand your business and the passion to make it happen. This passion also creates energy that permeates into organisations, leveraging results and culture. Clear purpose ensures others align their efforts in support of organisational purpose driving desired outcomes.   Having a clear purpose is essential in leveraging the use of resources within business.

Know what you are about, and go about doing it… and doing it well.

BALANCE – do you have a ‘Real’ Business?

The pressures of juggling work/life balance are always present. Our quality coaching naturally facilitates your choices in establishing the right level of balance for you in this season of your life.

Often it’s a matter of managing the extremes.  A completely balanced life is actually a boring one.  Living intentionally and managing energy and engagement are far more important and satisfying.

Legacy or Higher Purpose

One of our core human needs is the need to contribute. Contribute to something beyond ourselves, including leaving a lasting legacy. This is beyond just running a great and profitable business. What is it for you? Do you want to simply give an outstanding service experience to your customers or are you educating and developing staff to be the best version of themselves possible?

Whatever it is for you, we can help you magnify your results and your impact.

Proven Results of Business Coaching

Studies by the International Personnel Management Association have shown that productivity increases by 88% when trainings are combined with coaching as opposed to 22% with trainings alone. The International Coaching Federation has conducted a survey of 11,000 coaching clients, most of whom requested help with time management, business relationships, and career. We have summarised the findings as follows:

  • – 98.5% found their investment worth it, regardless of cost.
  • – 85% wanted the coach as a sounding board, because they find it challenging to talk to their stakeholders or board of directors for advice and feedback.
  • – 78% wanted an independent person to act as a motivator to hold them accountable to their planned goals.
  • – 57% wanted an independent friend.
  • – 51% noticed enhanced self-awareness, greater self-confidence, better goal setting skills and higher results on business targets.
  • – 50% were seeking a coach for improved life-work balance.
  • – 40% wanted a coach to help them with their goal setting, especially financial goal setting.
  • – 40% noticed that their communication skills had improved as a result of coaching.
  • – 33% noticed that they experienced more fun in their lives as a result of coaching.
  • – 25% noticed that coaching had improved their earnings.

Every Top Professional Athlete has a Coach. Top Business People are no Different!

Click on the link/image to learn how Google’s CEO feels that business coaching provides benefits to both the inexperienced as well as the experienced.

Blind Spots

Coaching helps you develop your awareness – awareness of your strengths as well as your weaknesses. This allows you to better leverage the use of your time by building on your strengths and managing your weaknesses. We all have blind spots which can be fatal in business. A coach can help you understand perspectives you may not have considered. You can’t move beyond your biases if you don’t identify them. Increased awareness is critical to business leadership development. If you are a business owner, you are a leader – you don’t get a choice! Leading by influence is therefore the key to sustainability and leverage.